Early Dismissal

Friendly reminder that it is early dismissal Wednesday, November 20th.  Students are dismissed one hour early.

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Kindergarten Registration starts December 2nd

Kindergarten registration will be open starting the week of December 2nd and will go until December 13th.  If you live in the cachement area and have a child who will be Kindergarten age for the 2020-2021 school year, please come to the school and fill out a registration form.  Proof of age and address will be required.  If you are unable to make it to the school during that time, please email Trish (our Administrative Assistant) at tbaldwin@isd21.mb.ca and she… Read More

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Remembrance Day

The Brant-Argyle Remembrance Day Service will be held on November 7th at 11:30am.  All are welcome to attend.

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Admin/PD Day – No School

A friendly reminder that Friday, November 8th is a Divisional PD day and there will be no school for students on this day.

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Early Dismissal

Friendly reminder that it is early dismissal Wednesday, October 16th.  Students are dismissed one hour early.

in: Announcements

Spring News

Catch up on all the Brant-Argyle happenings in our newsletter which can be found right here on our website (hint: click on “newsletter”). Also WEST and NORTH parents, watch the agenda or backpack for notes coming home this long weekend about exciting June trips.

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